
Superannuation Advice

Super Matters - So make the changes that matter

Superannuation Advice

Getting the right super fund strategy for you

Super is a long-term investment, but it shouldn’t be treated as simply as that. At Orion, we’ll start with a comprehensive study of your existing super fund. We then do all the required research, assess your investment goals, and devise strategies to accomplish them.

Did you know that with a net return of just 8%pa an investment can go from a balance of $0 to $150,000 in 20 years by depositing only $60 per week?

The majority of Australians are unprepared for retirement. Your retirement is the time when you will desire financial freedom and a lifestyle that allows you to do so. In most cases, people’s superannuation funds in retirement will not be adequate. However, with the right strategies, it is entirely feasible to build a rocking superannuation fund.

Super is a long-term investment, but it shouldn’t be treated as simply as that. At Orion, we’ll start with a comprehensive study of your existing super fund. We’ll do all the required research, assess your investment goals, and devise strategies to accomplish them.

You may have one super fund or many, depending on your situation. People may not be able to handle their funds effectively since they are too busy. This is where our specialised assistance comes in handy. We can break down all of the technical lingo and make things simple for you so that we can optimize your super and retirement accounts for you.

We don’t get kickbacks from superannuation funds, so we’re only in it for the sake of you and your family’s best interests. Because there is seldom a “best fund for everyone,” taking the time to discuss what kind of retirement lifestyle you want allows us to explore which fund would be most beneficial to you in assisting you to achieve your desired outcome

Here are some questions to help you start saving for retirement:

  • What does a ‘comfortable’ retirement look like?
  • How much do you need to retire?
  • How can you boost your super

Many people underestimate how much super they’ll need to retire. And with improved life expectancy, many will be spending much longer in retirement than past generations. This means you need to retire with more wealth to ensure your income stream lasts. The government Age Pension is designed to give you a basic income, but it’s unlikely to give you the financial freedom you want for the 20 or more years you’re likely to spend in retirement.

Sail boat floating in sea

Still have questions

Get in contact with us and one of our advisors will be more than happy to assist with any questions you may have.

Our Financial Planners are a team of experienced and knowledgable professionals with a diverse financial backgrounds, in wealth management, people management and other aspects of finances.

The fee for our service depends on the complexity of your needs and varies from client to client. We always quote upfront in a transparent fashion and will only proceed to the next steps if we can clearly identify an opportunity to significantly improve your financial position. We aim to deliver outcomes that far outweigh the immediate cost of implementing our advice.

This is the most common question we get when meeting new clients. This question, is generally met with another question, how much do you plan to spend in retirement and when would you like to retire? More often than not, people need to do much more than what they are currently doing in order to replace their income and have it last throughout retirement.

For most of us super will be one of the largest assets we’ll ever own, so it makes sense to pay a little attention to it to ensure we make the most of it.

Super is simply the pot of money you live on when you stop work. Of course, there’s the Age Pension, but that probably won’t be enough to live on comfortably. That’s why your super is so important. It can help you enjoy the lifestyle you want, after you finish work. And as life expectancy rates continue to rise, you may need those funds to last for a quarter of your life or more.

Your super is your money. So we’ll help you look after it by:

  • choosing an account with lower fees
  • comparing your fund’s performance with others
  • combining accounts if you have more than one
  • checking your insurance before you change funds
  • knowing what’s involved before deciding whether to choose an SMSF