1.5 APP1 – Open and transparent management of personal information.
APP 1 requires organisations to have ongoing practices and policies in place to ensure that they manage personal information in an open and transparent way.
APP 1 introduces more prescriptive requirements for privacy policies than the existing requirements in NPP 5.1. An organisation must have an APP privacy policy that contains specified information, including the kinds of personal information it collects, how an individual may complain about a breach of the APPs, and whether the organisation is likely to disclose information to overseas recipients. An organisation needs to take reasonable steps to make its APP privacy policy available free of charge and in an appropriate form.
APP 1 also introduces a positive obligation for organisations to implement practices, procedures and systems that will ensure compliance with the APPs and any registered APP codes.
In accordance with the above requirements, it is the policy of InterPrac that: All persons to whom this policy applies are required to inform themselves of their obligations under the APPs.
InterPrac will provide training as and when required to ensure persons to whom this policy applies are aware of their obligations under the APPs.
All clients of InterPrac are entitled to access their private information upon request. Any complaints in regard to the handling of private information shall be referred to the Privacy Officer (National Compliance Manager).
How InterPrac manages private information will be set out in this policy.
This policy shall be made available on websites operated by InterPrac and its related companies agents and representatives.
On request, clients are to have free access to this policy in any form requested, so long as it is practical to do so.
Members of the InterPrac group may collect and hold personal information such as a person’s name, address, date of birth, income, tax file number (TFN) and such other information that may be required from time to time in order to provide services to clients. This is collected directly from its clients and personal information is held by either companies within the InterPrac group or its advisers and agents.
Any personal information collected by InterPrac is solely for the purpose of providing services to clients and meeting licencing obligations and is not to be used for any other purpose without consent. Any client may seek access to their personal information by contacting the appropriate entity of the InterPrac Group. If a correction is required to that personal information the client may make that amendment by notifying the appropriate entity within the InterPrac Group. If a client is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint they may lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Further information is available on the OAIC’s website at www.oaic.gov.au.
InterPrac will only disclose personal information of its clients to overseas recipients where such disclosure is required to give effect to the instructions of a client. It is not practical to list all countries to which this applies due to the variety of international financial services available to clients.
1.6 APP2 – Anonymity and Pseudonymity
APP 2 sets out a new requirement that an organisation provide individuals with the option of dealing with it using a pseudonym. This obligation is in addition to the existing requirement that organisations provide individuals with the option of dealing with them anonymously.
Both requirements are subject to certain limited exceptions, including where it is impracticable for the organisation to deal with an individual who has not identified themselves, or where the law or a court/tribunal order requires or authorises the organisation to deal with individuals who have identified themselves.
As InterPrac and its entities deal primarily with clients in financial services, it is unlikely that it would be practical for services to be provided to those clients without them having identified themselves. Further, in most situations, companies within the InterPrac group will be required under the terms of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) (AML/CTF Act) to appropriately identify clients.